Sabtu, 19 November 2016

Review (Children First Language Acquisition At Age 1-3 Years Old In Balata)

 Children First Language Acquisition At Age 1-3 Years Old In Balata
Bertaria Sohnata Hutauruk
I. Introduction
            Language acquisition is the process whereby children achieve a fluent control of their native language (Varshney, 2003:307). Language acquisition is the process of language acquisition done by children naturally when children learn their first language or mother tongue. The process of the child begin to recognize verbal communication with its surroundings. While the first language is the language that was first obtained by the child since birth.
Child generally acquire their first language component of the sitter and usually from mother called mother tongue. Therefore, the first language commonly called the mother tongue. First child acquire the language between infancy approximately one year, stems from hearing people talking to the baby then pay attention to the person's face and the baby responds according to his ability.
            The objective of the research is to find the problems and approaches in acquiring first language acquisition at age 1-3 years old. The scope of the research is focused on a child named Mikhaya Estela who lived in ressort Balata.

II. Review Of Literature
Language Acquisition

            Language Acquisition is meant process whereby children achieve a fluent control of their native language (Varshney, 2003:307). The ability to get and understand the language is inherited genetically but the particular language that children speak is culturally and environmentally transmitted to them. Children all over the world acquire their first language without tutoring.
Language acquisition is a process that takes place in the brain of a child when she gained her first language or mother tongue. Language acquisition usually distinguished by language learning. Learning the language associated with the processes that occur when a child learning a second language after she gained her first language. Thus, language acquisition with respect to the first language, while learning a second language with respect to language (Chaer, 2003: 167).
            Language acquisition at age 1-3 years old occurs naturally. It is meant that a child is insensibly acquiring the language but the fact he/she can produce the language for communication. The process of acquiring the language at the age before 5 years old is called as Golden age. This period show the progress of language development from one stage to another.
Nature versus Nurture
The controversial between nature and nurture is explored by the ancient theories of language acquisition, that is, whether language is innate and God-given or learned by environment. Language acquisition is nurture and nature together to support each other. Acquisition by nature is necessary because without the provision of natural beings may not be the child can speak and nurture language acquisition are needed because without input from the surrounding environment of the natural provisions will not come (Dardjowidjojo, 2003)
Stages in First Language Acquisition
When human are born, he does not have suddenly the grammatical of his first language in his brain and completely with its rules. The native language is acquired through some stages, and every stage is passed near to adult’s language. There are six stages in children’s first language acquisition, namely:
·         Pre-talking stage / Cooing (0-6 months)
·          Babbling stage (6-8 months)
·         Holophrastic stage (9-18 months)
·         The two-word stage (18-24 months)
·         Telegraphic stage (24-30 months) 
·         Later multiword stage (30+months)

According to Aitchison in Harras and Andika (2009: 50-56), stage of child language skills consist of the following things.

Language acquisition phase
6 weeks
6 months
intonation patterns
8 months
Utterances of the word
1 year
Two-word utterances
18 months
inflection word
2 years
Interrogative sentence and disbelieve
2 ¼ years
Construction rare and complex
5 years
Mature speech
10 years

            Moreover, in every stage of a child's first language acquisition have in common, namely the process of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, also known as the process of language development of children.

III. Methodology Of The Research
            The methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative approach. It is descriptive because it attempts to find out the children problems in first language acquisition by Mikhaya Estela at age 1-3 years old. This research uses cross-sectional studies because it has a group of children at the age of less than 5 years old. The subject of this research is the children at the age 1-3 years old named Mikhaya Estela who lived in Balata. For this research, the writer uses the video recorder to record the conversation of child and parents. In this research, to collect the data the writer applies observation method and video recording of conversation between child and parent. In analyzing the data, the writer conducts some procedures. The data are collected from video recording of the conversation between child and parent. The writer transcribes the recording data and  analyzes it based on semantic, syntax and pragmatic acquisition.

IV. Conclusion
Language acquisition can be obtained from the hearing listening and imitating. Each child is different in processing the same words although both aged 2 years or 4 years but not necessarily the child can pronounce the name of the same object.
Language acquisition is divided into two (2) include:
a. First language acquisition, or commonly called mother tongue. because the mother tongue is the first language in the master of man since the beginning of his life through interaction among community members
b. Acquisition of a second language is a process when a person obtains another language as their mother tongue.
            Obtaining phonology or sounds of language begins with the acquisition of basic sounds. Acquiring semantic carried a child by observing and collecting as much information in their environment. What was observed by all five senses into their world knowledge. Based on the knowledge of the world is a child acquire language semantics her world by attaching "meaning" to keep the sound sequence specific language. Obtaining syntax is a child's ability to reveal something in the form of construction or sentence structure. Construction was started on a series of two words. 
And in developing childrens language there are six stages as the approaches of first language acquisition, they are cooing, babbling, holophrastic stage, the two-word stage, telegraphic stage and later multiword stage.

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